Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Crochet/amigurumi: feet with crocheted – not embroidered – contrasting details for dogs, bears, cats and other toys

To  make this puppy I used yarn in three colours: white, and two browns  –  one dark, one light.
When making the legs, I crocheted — not embroidered  — the toes and pads on his feet, and I think this looks cute and requires less work (no embroidery afterwards), not to mention the possibility of embroidered, or sewn on pieces of felt, to loosen and come off.

Leg with crochet toes and pads

 sc = single crochet stitch;  dec = stitch decrease;  inc = stitch increase
st(s) = stitch(es);  ch = chain stitch
How to read the pattern:
dec (sc dec) = decrease one single crochet stitch – Insert hook into stitch of previous row (use only front loop), do not yarn over; insert hook into the next front loop (there are 3 loops on the hook); yarn over, draw through 2 loops on the hook; yarn over and draw through both loops. When appears without a number, “dec” stands for one stitch decrease; a number after this symbol indicates how many times decrease has to be made.

inc (sc inc) = increase one single crochet stitch – crochet two single crochet stitches in one stitch of previous row.
The number at the end of each round is the number of stitches in the round (row). For example, sc 15 means: crochet single crochet stitch in each of the next 15 stitches of previous row (round);
{ sc 3, inc } x 6 = 30 means: crochet one single crochet stitch in each of the next three stitches of previous row, then increase one stitch by working two single crochet stitches in next (fourth) stitch; repeat between { } 6 times around; the number of stitches in this round is 30.
inc x 6 means : crochet 2 single crochet stitches in each one of the next 6 stitches of the previous row.
Work 2 rounds with Contrasting colour; attach White colour at 1st stitch of Rnd 3; in Rnd 4 Contrasting colour yarn is highlighted. Stuff gradually, mostly the foot and lower part of the leg; do not stuff top part.

Rnd 1: ch2, into the second (from the hook) loop: sc 6 = 6
Rnd 2: inc x 6 = 12
Rnd 3: { sc 1, inc }x 6=18   —  first stitch in Contrasting colour, then White
Rnd 4: {sc2, inc} x 2, sc2, inc, sc1, inc, sc1, inc, sc1, inc, sc3 = 24
Rnds 5-7: sc around = 24
Rnd 8: sc6, dec x 6, sc6 = 18
Rnd 9: sc around = 18
Rnd 10: { sc 4, dec} x 3 = 15
Rnds 11-13: sc around = 15
Rnd 14: { sc 3, dec} x 3 = 12
Rnd 15: sc around = 12
Rnd 16: { sc 2, dec} x 3 = 9
Rnd 17: sc around = 9
Rnd 18: { sc 1, dec} x 3 = 6

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